Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Outra poesia de Layli Long Soldier


                                 OBLIGATIONS 2

Layli Long Soldier
                                                    As we

                                        embrace          resist

                          the future       the present      the past

             we work          we struggle          we begin          we fail
to understand       to find        to unbraid        to accept        to question

              the grief          the grief           the grief          the grief

                          we shift         we wield           we bury​

                                    into light               as ash

                                                       across our faces

                             OBRIGAÇÕES 2

                                             Como nós

                                      abraçados      resistimos

                           o futuro         o presente           o passado

       nós trabalhamos   nós lutamos    nós começamos     nós falhamos

compreender        encontrar            desafiar       aceitar        questionar

              a dor                    a dor                    a dor                 a dor

                       nós   mudamos  nós empunhamos  nós enterramos

                                     na luz               como na cinza

                                                        em redor de nossos rostos

                                  Ilustração: ponderavel.blogspot.com.

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