Sunday, April 11, 2021

Outra poesia de Jack Prelutsky


Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens

Jack Prelutsky

Last night I dreamed of chickens,

there were chickens everywhere,

they were standing on my stomach,

they were nesting in my hair,

they were pecking at my pillow,

they were hopping on my head,

they were ruffling up their feathers

as they raced about my bed.


They were on the chairs and tables,

they were on the chandeliers,

they were roosting in the corners,

they were clucking in my ears,

there were chickens, chickens, chickens

for as far as I could see...

when I woke today, I noticed

there were eggs on top of me.



Ontem à noite eu sonhei com galinhas,

haviam galinhas em todos os lugares,

elas estavam em pé na minha barriga,

elas estavam aninhadas no meu cabelo,

elas estavam bicando meu travesseiro,

elas estavam pulando na minha cabeça,

elas estavam bagunçando suas penas

enquanto elas corriam sobre a minha cama.


Elas estavam nas cadeiras e mesas,

elas estavam nos candelabros,

elas estavam empoleirados nos cantos,

elas estavam cacarejando em meus ouvidos,

haviam galinhas, galinhas, galinhas

até onde pude ver ...

quando acordei hoje, eu percebi

que haviam ovos em cima de mim.

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