Saturday, October 22, 2022

Uma poesia de Aline Mello



Aline Mello

will become a pessimist                            eventually

trying to find what’s lost                           will ransack the house

the overstayed visa                                     the recipe book

the birth certificate                                     the first passport

nowhere                                                        to be found

the immigrant                                             will travel

drive with the windows down                  stop at the rest stops

always in search                                          trying to find more

of what made you leave                             because nothing can satisfy

the first time around                                  there is something that pushed you out

this is the horrible secret                           this is the terrible secret

the immigrant always an immigrant       there is no returning





irá se tornar um pessimista                       eventualmente

tentando encontrar o que perdeu               irá saquear a casa

o visto vencido                                            o livro de receitas

a certidão de nascimento                             o primeiro passaporte

nenhum lugar                                                 para ser encontrado

o imigrante                                                irá viajar

dirigir com as janelas abertas   parar nas paradas de                                                                                                                                    descanso

procurando sempre                                    encontrar mais

do que deixou                                            porque nada pode satisfazer

aceca da primeira vez,                               há algo que o empurrou para fora

este é o segredo horrível                           este é o segredo terrível

o imigrante sempre imigrante                   não tem retorno.

Ilustração: CDHIC.   

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